How to get rid of dog fleas


What are dog fleas?

Dog fleas are tiny 1-2mm insects which can live on dogs and in your home.  Female fleas lay up to 40 eggs per day which hatch into larvae.  They burrow into carpets, upholstery and even your dog’s bedding.  They can lie quietly for many months but will emerge as adult fleas and jump on to your dog causing it great irritation and possibly allergies such as flea allergic dermatitis.

What are the symptoms of fleas in dogs?

There are some tell-tale signs to indicate that your dog may have fleas.  These include: ·

  • Persistent scratching

  • Turning quickly or jumping to scratch their back end ·      

  • Patches of hair loss on their coat (alopecia) which have been caused by over-grooming ·      

  • Scabs, sores and redness on the dog’s skin ·      

  • Thickened skin in certain areas eg around the edges of ears ·      

  • Tiny dark brown insects scurrying in the fur ·      

  • Being generally unwell – fleas feed on the dog’s blood and in extreme cases, this can lead to anaemia especially in young, old or sickly dogs. ·      

  • Any unexplained bites on the ankles or arms of anyone in your household.  Fleas can bite humans but they don't actually live on us.

How do dogs catch fleas?

Dogs catch fleas from other dogs, cats, the garden or in your home.  Dog owners can also pass fleas to their pets by their shoes or clothing. Fleas are most active in the summer months but they can be prevalent in the winter too especially for homes with central heating.

What is the flea treatment for dogs?

As soon as you suspect your dog has fleas, it is important to start flea treatment as quickly as possible. Natural Animal Health’s Fleez product is a natural way to treat your dog for fleas.  Fleez is a liquid which should be added to feed or water.  The dosage is 10ml per dog for three to five days but reduce this to 5mls for small dogs and puppies.

Fleas can also pass tapeworms to your dog so it is important that you deworm monthly too with Imuworm which is a natural liquid wormer. 

As well as treating your dog, it is important to treat all other dogs, cats and rabbits in your home at the same time. 

How to prevent dog fleas coming back

Prevention is better than cure so a monthly dose of 10ml of Fleez should keep dog fleas at bay.  Regular grooming is also advisable just in case a particularly nasty attack of fleas takes place.  If that occurs, give your dog 10ml of Fleez for three to five days.

In your home, it is very important to vacuum regularly especially around your dog’s bed, floors, skirting boards, upholstery and under furniture.  Fleas and their eggs can survive on floors and furniture for many months so it is important to destroy fleas at every stage of their lifecycle. Also wash dog bedding regularly at 60°C in order to kill fleas and their eggs.

Finally if other dogs visit your home, check with their owners that they are flea-free. 

For more information about Natural Animal Health’s Fleez, click on the image below, please call 07711461133 or email 

The Natural Animal Health range of natural products for dogs