Top 9 Natural Products for Chickens

Top Natural Products for Chickens

Today everyone aspires to eat a healthier diet and look after our bodies using more and more natural products such as rubbing arnica cream on a bruise or taking honey to combat the common cold.  So should we use more natural products for our chickens when they are under the weather?  The answer should be yes as they are quick, effective, cheaper, free from unnecessary chemicals, safer for the owner to use and kinder to your chicken’s delicate digestive system.

So which natural products should you use with your chickens?  In this quick guide, we will give you a rundown of our top nine natural products for your chickens.  They are based on plant extracts and are designed to boost the bird’s immune system against various illnesses.

1. Imuworm

Imuworm is your natural wormer for chickens and it is one of our most popular products.  It maintains good gastrointestinal health to manage worms in hens.  It has been on the market for over 20 years and feedback from customers is excellent.

It’s really easy to use too as you simply add the liquid to drinking water or put it in the feed. Prevention is better than cure so it is important to give Imuworm every month to your chickens.  It is also safe for chicks to consume plus there is no egg withdrawal period afterwards which is a major benefit compared to using some chemical wormers.

  2. Respirex

Chicken respiratory and breathing problems can occur when there is poor ventilation or a toxic build-up from cleaning products in the hen coop.  Respiratory problems can be very infectious and can spread easily within your poultry especially if you have a lot of birds in the hen house.  Wild birds often are responsible for spreading respiratory diseases to your poultry.

Respirex is the natural product to use when your chickens are wheezing, coughing or have any other respiratory problems.  As soon as you spot any signs of breathing difficulties, add Respirex to the drinking water of your chickens.  Better still it can be used preventatively to support the bird’s resistance.


As the name suggests, this is the natural product to help stressed chickens.  Too much stress is bad for our health and also bad for the health of our chickens.  It has a detrimental impact on their immune system which can leave your chickens more susceptible to disease.  So it is really important to help your birds when they are facing or recovering from a stressful event such as a fox attack, red mite infestation, moving to a new home or even travelling to an agricultural show.  Additionally stress
can be caused by too many birds being housed together, a new bird being introduced to the flock or simply too much competition for food.

Imustress should be given to chickens before and after a stressful event and it is very effective in calming a stressed chicken down.

4. Imumite

Are your chickens reluctant to go into the hen coop at night?  If so, there may a red mite infestation there.  Red mites only appear at night-time and they bite the chickens to suck their blood.  They are really difficult to get rid of as they live in the cracks and
crevices of the hen house itself.  Diatomaceous Earth is a safe and effective way to kill the red mites but the chickens should also take Imumite in their water or feed.  It helps to support the chicken’s immune system to repel red mites and helps to reduce their stress levels from being bitten by the red mites.

5. Enterite

Digestive problems are one of the biggest challenges faced by chickens.  If only one or two birds in the flock are effected, it would be better to move them to a separate pen.  Also keep them well hydrated and provide fresh drinking water every day although hens love to drink from muddy puddles where bacteria thrive. 

Enterite is very effective in settling an upset digestive system including diarrhoea.  It is a natural gut conditioner which promotes better gut health and leads to better growth rates too.

6. MycoP

Mycoplasma can be a very nasty disease for chickens and in extreme cases, it can often lead to death. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, discharge from the nostrils and eyes and even bulging eyes.  Wild birds are believed to be the culprit for spreading mycoplasma to chickens.

MycoP is one of the few natural remedies to help prevent mycoplasma.  Thankfully it is effective and works quickly as well as helping the chicken’s general wellbeing.

7.  Coccinon

Another horrible disease which chickens can get is coccidiosis.  It is caused by a
microscopic parasite which feeds in the digestive system and eventually leads
to blood in their droppings.  Use Coccinon at the first signs of coccidiosis and nip this disease in the bud as soon as possible.

If there is history of coccidiosis in the chicken run, it is a good idea to use Coccinon regularly especially at times of greatest risk.

  8. Recharge

After any illness, we all need a “pick-me-up” to help us to get back on our feet.  Well Recharge is the natural “pick-me-up” for chickens as it gives them a boost after any illness and encourages their appetite too for both food and water.  It works particularly well to help chickens with respiratory difficulties or mycoplasma and should be used in conjunction with Respirex and MycoP to get the birds back on their feet.

9. Cloversan

The old proverb says that “cleanliness is next to godliness” but where your chickens are concerned cleanliness is a number one priority.  Where hen houses and feeding
areas are dirty, this makes a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of illnesses so keeping these areas clean is an absolute must.  Cloversan is a dry powder sanitiser which can be sprinkled in bedding plus around drinkers and feeders.  It is really good at absorbing moisture, smells nice and is safe to be used with young birds too.  It will also help to reduce ammonia and other unpleasant gases in the hen house.

The next time your chickens are ill please stop and think if there are any natural products for them which are both effective but will help them to recover more quickly in a kinder and more holistic way?  This approach will definitely pay dividends in the long-run and lead to your chickens being both healthier and happier.

To find out more about the range of natural products for chickens from Natural Animal Health, please call 07711461133, email or click on the photographs below.